2nd Annual General Assembly of Debre Meheret Members
2nd Annual General Assembly of Debre Meheret Members
Come join us for for Debre Meheret St Michael's 2nd Annual General Assembly on Saturday September 30th at 3:00pm.
Come join us for for Debre Meheret St Michael's 2nd Annual General Assembly on Saturday September 30th at 3:00pm.
Celebration of the Annual Feast of Gishen Mariam 3:00am ሥርዓተ ማኅሌት ፣ 5:30am-6:00am ጸሎተ ኪዳን ፣ 6:00am-9:30am ጸሎተ ቅዳሴ ፣ 9:30am-11:00am መዝሙር ፣ ትምህርተ ወንጌል ፣ 11:00am የታቦት ንግሥ ።
We will be celebrating Gishen Mariam with the following services: Morning Prayers (4:30am-6:00am) Divine Liturgy (6:00am-9:00am) Bible study, Mezmur and Candlelight program (6:30pm-8:00pm)
We will be celebrating St. Gabriel's day with the following services: Morning Prayers (4:30am-6:00am) Divine Liturgy (6:00am-9:00am)